Saturday, December 20, 2014

[lesson] SBS '힐링캠프, 기쁘지 아니한가' #162 국민 잉꼬부부 <션&정혜영 부부 편>

lessons I learned from watching #162 (c.f. link to the episode)

1. to build a happy family
A. treat spouse like king/queen
B. see and encourage the best part of spouse
C. view each day is the last day with spouse
D. change perspective on marriage from finding a gem to cutting a rough stone to become a precious gem
E. consider giving one day vacation to spouse per week to restore "womanness"

2. to have a happy first child
A. invest a lot to take care of him/her well
B. tell 1st baby about second baby before the 2nd baby to come out
C. show 2nd baby to 1st baby when the 2nd baby is born
D. have the 1st baby touch the 2nd baby 
E. show the 1st baby when the 2nd baby is with mom in a separate bedroom other than parents’
F. ask the 1st baby whether to feed the 2nd baby or not