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Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts

Sunday, February 09, 2014

[conference] My Note on Soul Fire Singles Conference

Soul Fire Conference Singles Conference
New Harvest Ministry
February 8, 2014 09:00-21:00
Pastor David Hwang, Blake Bentley, Pastor Peter Palma, and more
New Harvest Ministry?
Biblical ways for dating and marriage

*Pls feel free to share my note with anyone you would think he or she needs. Thanks!

I.       1st Large Group Speaker- [Jubilee] Pastor David Hwang; “Great Break-Ups!”
1.       Lesson
1)     start dating with end in mind
  reason: number shows half of dating relationship ends with break-ups
  action: thus, honor, care, and respect the person and treat them godly
  Biblical example: Apostle Paul, he also started his faith journey with end in mind. In 2 Time 4:6-8, he fought the good fight.
2)     how do we need to prepare as a single?
  prepare yourself to be the one
  remove attraction issue: for men, stop desiring someone and for women, stop wanting to be desired to avoid emotional attachment
  instead look for
A       comprehensive attraction: passion, value, intelligence, commitment, financial management, conflict resolution, skill set, vision, etc.
  get to know yourself
A       some qualities of the person that you can’t compromise with because of your future direction (e.g. for a Korean American pastor, qualities of speaking English, having a pastoral heart)
  be content with the Lord
3)      God doesn’t waste people; start running for Christ; pursue his passion now
4)      pray for your future spouse to fear God and burn in passion for Him to be more like Jesus
5)      date tip
  no casual dating- dating is not for fun but for marriage
  no unbeliever
  date from community and share what you learned about the person within community (e.g. close friends, family, mentors); get whole community to be involved to understand better
  note that you’re not married yet; no sex outside of marriage and do not get emotionally involved
  don’t spend too much time together
  put a time limit to from 6 to 9 months
  it’s God’s timing; don’t force it; if the person is a new Christian, don’t date him/her because the timing for him/her is to focus on his/her relationships in Christ and let God work within the person
  know that marriage is a step of faith; after 6-9 months, if you have move of God, blessings of community and comprehensive attractions, take a step of faith for marriage because you cannot know the person entirely in dating relationship
2.       My Takeaway
1)      start dating with end in mind

II.      3rd Large Group Speaker: [New Harvest] Blake Bentley; Lies that Singles Face
1.       Lesson
1)      There is no obstacle real or perceived that God cannot overcome.
2)      It is in the nature of Christ to love and forgive and those who follow Christ will do the same.
3)      God is in the making of Christians.
4)      Life has already started even before marriage. Go and get involved with church.
5)      There’s something wrong with everyone.
6)      Happiness is a decision of the will. Start practicing now; focus on good aspect of the person
7)      God always enables His ideas to work.
8)      Jesus died so that you can have a life; He cares even your smallest detail.
2.       My Takeaway
1)      There’s something wrong with everyone.
2)      Happiness is a decision of the will. Start practicing now; focus on good aspect of the person

III.     Break Out Group #2: [Word of Life International Fellowship] Pastor Peter Palma; Real Relationships
1.       Lesson
1)      problem of two selfish people; marriage is not about you
2)      should have read Tim Keller’s “The Meaning of Marriage” before marriage
3)      two different ways of thinking
  interpretation: controlling vs. being together
  culture: sharing food as a Korean American vs. not sharing as a Caucasian American
  preference: A cereal vs. B cereal
4)      help each other to be more like Jesus; learn to love like Jesus
5)      acknowledge and admit that you are selfish, needy and broken
6)      3 things to cultivate (or 3 things to look for from spouse)
  fear of the Lord
  be filled with the Spirit
  imitate Christ especially attitude of service
7)      keystone habits
  do it over too many so that the changed habit change other habits
  fear of the Lord=> motivated to please God
  be filled with the Holy Spirit- Ep5:18 generate the fruit of the Spirit
  imitate Christ=> not like I do this for you so you do this for me; serve your spouse by giving up yourself
2.       My Takeaway
1)      read Tim Keller’s “The Meaning of Marriage” [link]
2)      3 things to cultivate or 3 things to look for from spouse
  fear of the Lord
  be filled with the Spirit
  imitate Christ especially attitude of service