Showing posts with label sermon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sermon. Show all posts

Sunday, January 18, 2015

[Haneul Sarang Church] 깨어있는 삶- 영혼육의 죄 (translation: Awakened Living- Sins of Spirit, Soul and Flesh) by Pastor Jeong Soo Kim

DateJanuary 18, 2015
Scripture: Mark 25:31-46
Title: 깨어있는 삶- 영혼육의 죄 (translation: Awakened Living- Sins of Spirit, Soul and Flesh) 
Speaker: Pastor Jeong Soo Kim
Personal Takeaway: 
1. read Blaise Pascal's "Pensées" and Søren Kierkegaard's "The Sickness Unto Death"
2. declare to Satan "that's right; I'm a such and such person; that's why I need Jesus!"

[Haneul Sarang Church] 왕이신 나의 하나님을 높이라 (translation: Life up my God who is king) by Pastor Jeong Soo Kim

DateJanuary 18, 2015
Scripture: 2 Samuel 3:6-21
Title: 왕이신 나의 하나님을 높이라 (translation: Life up my God who is king)
Speaker: Pastor Jeong Soo Kim
Personal Takeaway: 
1. Live a life of repentance e.g. repent whenever stopping at street light
2. Admit God's appointed authority e.g. my parents
- also, lay down my expertise such as UX to God
3. Seek God's grace everyday 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

[Haneul Sarang Church] 세상을 이기는 왕이 되라 (translation: Be a World-Overcoming King) by Pastor Jeong Soo Kim

Below is my takeaways from today's sermon and my personal reflections. 
1. keep Sunday holy- make Sunday separate from the rest of the week; do things to love God and others
2. make myself a place of worship where Holy Spirit dwells (a.k.a. Naioth at Ramah) 
3. put love as my highest priority in life because love is the one that I will be evaluated at the end (source: 1 Cor. 13:8)
4. choose God's way though His way seems difficult (c.f. the other way will create 1. generating risks on community let alone myself 2. making me worry by forcing me to pay attentions to watch others' opinion 3. losing joy, peace, love, and others' loyalty 4. transitioning my status from king to slave 5. changing my effectiveness to be useless 6. compromising with the world
5. face tribulations through keeping the law of God and evangelizing people
6. start seeking and asking to God

Sunday, November 16, 2014

[Heaven-Loving Church] 감사하는 왕이 되라 (translation: Be a Thanksgiving King) by Pastor Jeong Soo Kim

Below is my takeaways from today's sermon and my personal reflections

things to do
1. keep a record of monthly thanksgiving to God
2. remove foolishness virus (i.e. not giving thanks in ALL circumstances) 
3. take thorn as God's way of expanding my love scope
- Thank Him even for one less anger incident 
4. be holy and stop giving lashes on Jesus' back
5. arrange things neatly and orderly at home
6. utilize daily check-up card
7. fully take advantage of current resource (e.g. digital and non-digital assets)
8. be true to myself and show to others candidly without wearing "masks"
9. expect and ask great things from Him; open my mouth for Korea, Korean race, and the world
10. c.f. read explanation of my "Strength Finder" result

Sunday, October 26, 2014

[New Philly] The Cure for Confusion by Pastor Marcus Corpening

Date: October 26, 2014
Scripture: 1 Cor 2: 9-16
Title: The Cure for Confusion
Speaker:  Pastor Marcus Corpening
definition of confusion by Merriam-Webster

  • : a situation in which people are uncertain about what to do or are unable to understand something clearly
  • : the feeling that you have when you do not understand what is happening, what is expected, etc.
  • : a state or situation in which many things are happening in a way that is not controlled or orderly

God wants me to live a life of clarity. 
  • todo: ask for the H.S.; walk by the Spirit if I want clarity; constantly be in connection with Him. 

Why are we finding us to be confused? Examples in the Bible
  • 1. Natural man (v.14): constantly seeks for intellect, trying harder with his own strengths (this was me)
    • Eph 4:17-20
  • 2. Spiritual Christian (v.15-16): discerns all things, led by the Spirit, walking in wisdom, having clarity of future and the mind of Christ 
    • The H.S. helps me to be in sync with the Lord God
    • todo: ask the H.S. open up my eyes to discover His way when making a decision 
  • 3. Fleshly/worldly Christian (1 Cor 3): knows all the right things but seeks something else, constantly living in confusion (this was me)

I don't remember the title for the following but prolly things I need to avoid?
  • 1. Gratifying the desire of the flesh (Gal 5:16-26)
  • 2. Grieving the Spirit (Eph 4:30 "Do not grieve the H.S. of God...")
    • If I hold bitterness, the action makes hard to hear from the Spirit.
  • 3. Quenching the Spirit
    • 1 Thes 5:19 e.g. through holding onto fear, we quench the Spirit

Do the following to check my status with the Holy Spirit:
  • ask how my time has been with the Word and prayer; when I do, how are those times? What's the quality of my heart in it?
    • If I want true intimacy, I need to deal with the issues with heart. 
  • ask "Am I right with You, God?" "Search me, oh, God, if I'm grieving Your Spirit." 

My Takeaway: 
I haven't let the Holy Spirit involve in my decision-making process in life in general. I have a strong tendency not to take time to pray but think through with logic. Lord, please use this opportunity to awaken me and start having you in my decision making. Amen.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

[New Philly] Wisdom with Fitness by Pastor Christian Lee

Date: October 19, 2014
Scripture: 1 Cor 6:19-20
Title: Wisdom with Fitness
Speaker: Pastor Christian Lee
My Takeaway: 
1. My body and spirit are one and by bringing my body to an optimal state I can glorify God.
[3 John 2] our physical body needs to prosper as well along with spiritual body

2. I will add self-control to my faith. 
[2 Peter 1:5-7] make every effort to add self-control to my faith 
[1 Peter 5:8] self-control because enemy roars like lions
self-control is the fruit of the Spirit
[1 Cor 9] athletes run for prize and they keep control of themselves 

3. I will have "one more" attitude towards holiness.
[Hebrews 12:1] run with perseverance: fitness is useful because it teaches perseverance.
 e.g. In wrestling, endurance minimizes mistakes.
I will apply the philosophy of "one more" and will be unstoppable! 
[1 Thessalonians 4:3-8] God doesn't want my body in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God but instead He wants me to learn how to control my own body to be holy and honorable. 

listen to Pastor JM's "Stop Listening to Your Heart."

Sunday, October 12, 2014

[New Philly] The Power of Agreement by Pastor Marcus Corpening

Date: October 12, 2014
Scripture: Matthew 18:18-20
Title: The Power of Agreement
Speaker: Pastor Marcus Corpening
Ask whether I'm in agreement with God; ask whether I'm disobeying Him because of my disagreement with Him.

3 areas to agree with Him

1. who God says that we are (i.e. our identity)
  • lesson: how I view myself determines how I live my life
  • negative example: Saul in 1 Samuel 19
  • my challenge: I haven't been seeing myself the way He sees me.
    • e.g. #1
      • my old belief: I believed that my sins are bigger than Jesus and I'm unsavable. 
      • my new belief: Jesus' blood is greater than my sins.
    • e.g. #2
      • my old belief: I haven't been able to lead well
      • my new belief: I am a mighty man of God leading nations to His direction
2. what God says I need 
  • lesson: receive things from Him as gifts instead of trying to achieve the things by myself
  • negative example: Abraham in Genesis 16
  • my challenge: e.g. 
    • my old self: try to find wife and seek physical intimacy in my own ways
    • my new self: look to Him for those gifts
  • Pastor Marcus's testimony e.g. 
    • 1. God's grace on his finance when taking up pastor position
    • 2. all credit card debt paid in full
    • 3. flowed-in 2 mill KRW
3. what God has been calling us to do
  • lesson: this comes after agreeing with #1 and #2 above
  • my challenge: e.g. 
    • my old self: He won't open any doors for me
    • my new self: I will agree with Him in terms of my identity in Him and receive freely for my full-time position and wife; I will trust in Him by seeing the agreement in faith. 

My Takeaway
  • Get back to fasting social media for supernatural restoration, breakthrough, healing, etc.
  • I will reject all the lies I have been holding onto and start believing the truth (i.e. Jesus Christ and His promises). 

Monday, September 01, 2014

[Sooyoungro] 임재하시는 하나님을 주목하라 (tran: pay attention to God's presence) by Pastor Kyu Hyun Lee

Date: August 31, 2014
Scripture: Exodus 3:1-6
Title: Pay attention to God's presence
Speaker: Pastor Kyu Hyun Lee
prepare worship during 7 days of the week not just Sunday!

Paying attention means 
- consistently focusing on one thing; your life depends on your attention
- being attracted
- being overpowered by
- loving

You need to pay attention to God to realize. 

Action items:
- be awake spiritually, meaning paying attention to Him
- need to restore spiritual senses: listening, seeing, realizing 

My Takeaway
I will pay attention to Him to realize!

[Sooyoungro] 기본기 테스트에 통과하라 (tran: Pass through your basic skill test) by Pastor Kyu Hyun Lee

Date: September 1, 2014
Scripture: 1 King 17:1-7
Title: Pass through your basic skill test
Speaker: Pastor Kyu Hyun Lee
Calling needs to be clear.  Your calling is about your identity.
Your own way vs. God's way: God's way is always better!
Basic skill training
1. training of being alone- this training is about internal self, requiring your spiritual power; God wants you to meet with Him through loneliness; sometimes, you would need to be left alone intentionally and temporarily; meet with Him at the end of your solitude: you need to face with Him alone
2. training of material power- 
Once you overcome material power, spiritual authority will be established.

Need to go through these trainings severely!
God wants you to lean on Him regarding those two areas. 

God is the way not making a way!; don't try to find ways by yourself.
God requires obedience from you, asking you to trust Him in all situations with no conditions
Live a truly simple life!
The sovereignty of your life is in Him. 

My Takeaway
I will practice leaning on Him in terms of my solitude and materials. 

[New Philly] Ways to Put on Right Glasses by Pastor Sky Becker

Date: August 24, 2014
Scripture: Psalm 139:13-15, Genesis 1:27-31
Title: Ways to put on right glasses 
Speaker: Pastor Sky Becker

Jesus says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." in John 10:10. 

wrong and right glasses: 
1. comparison => thankfulness
2. criticism => truth
3. regrets => hope

ask yourself 
- what kind of glasses am I wearing these days?
- whom I am making proud of? 

My Takeaway
end or start each day with 5 thankful things to God

Sunday, June 01, 2014

[New Philly] Get the First Button Right by Pastor Myunghwa Choi

Date: June 1, 2014

Scripture: Psalm 139:13-15, Genesis 1:27-31
Title: Get the First Button Right
Speaker: Pastor Myunghwa Choi
Get the first button right.
- the first button represents understanding of God's creation
- this understanding help trusting that He is good

One of the best ways to check whether "Am I at peace with myself" is asking myself whether I am comparing myself with someone else.

Mona Lisa (an example of most expensive piece of art in the world) : Leonardo da Vinci = me : God
- the creator determines the price

Awakening: Embracing who I am empowers me!
- I have been robbed off my beauty inside of me so many years. As a result, the whole world has been missing to see my true contribution. I have leadership in me; bring what I have to the alter. I praise/compliment Him for the gift He's given me. 
- Action: be yourself in Christ

My Takeaway
Embracing who I am empowers me!
I have leadership in me; bring what I have to the alter.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

[New Philly today's sermon] God-Consciousness by Pastor Marcus

Date: May 25, 2014
Scripture: Psalm 16
Title: God-consciousness
Speaker: Pastor Marcus Corpening
The reason we don't walk boldly: we focus on everything but God (e.g. finance, addiction)
David's action: set the Lord always before him because He's at his right hand.
- right hand: represents strength

If I am God-conscious, 4 things happen:
1. I will not be shaken
2. My heart is glad
3. My whole being rejoices
4. My flesh also dwells secure

I am more powerful than I think.

What will break the abandonment and rejections I received?
- By stating the truth that who's with me and set God before me.

Result: fullness of joy

My Takeaway
I will be God-conscious and put God before me wherever I go.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

[sermon] OEM Worship

OEM Worship

Preacher : Pastor Eddie Byun
Scripture : 2 Samuel 21:1-14

One purpose of pain is to draw us near to God.
Before releasing God's blessings, I need to deal with my sins.

Read "This Momentary Marriage."

[sermon] 11/11/2012

중등부 예배
설교자 : 전도사님
본문 : 마 6:11
내용 : 우리에게 필요한 양식을 주옵시고 
"Give us today our daily bread." (NIV)

Our : 나 외에 배고픈 다른 사람 포함
Needs or wants? : 필요한 것 기도할 것

Saturday, October 06, 2012

[sermon] 때를 따라 춤을 추라- 이규현 목사님

Speaker: Rev. Lee Gyu Hyun
Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1~15
Title: 때를 따라 춤을 추라 Dance in accordance with timing

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

15 Whatever is has already been,
and what will be has been before;
and God will call the past to account.[b]

목사님 말씀 quote:

"때를 정확하게 맞춰야 한다.
젊을 날에 거둘려고 해서는 안된다. 잊어라. 그냥 죽도록 심어라. 지금은 씨를 뿌릴 때이다.
지금 아니면 안된다. 지금 쏟아 부을 때이다. 지금 돈 한 푼 안 벌어도 괜찮다.
죽도록 지금 씨를 뿌릴 때이다. 심을 때가 있고, 거둘 때가 있다.

내 때를 알아야 한다.

후회한 사람들은 때를 후회한 것이다. 때는 멈추지 않고 지나간다. 지금은 심을 때이다.
지금 은혜를 엄청, 말씀으로 기도로 받아야 한다. 빡빡 받아들이고, 묵상하고, 하나님에 관련된 책도 읽고, 영적으로 무섭게 성장해야 한다.

나중에 나도 모르게 열매가 맺힌다. 영향력이 퍼지고, 지금 거두려고 꿈에도 생각하지 마라.

내게 닥쳐오는 모든 일, 흐린날 있지만, 밤으로 끝나지 않는다. 그것을 결론으로 맺지 마라. 흐린날이 있으면 맑은날이 있다.

영원을 추구하는, 이 땅에 하나님에 관련된 하나님의 의미, 가치를 붙잡고 나아가라.
때와 기회를 주셨다는 것은 하나님의 위대한 선물이다. Enjoy 적극적 능동적 태도로 이 땅에 Dash 하라.
하나님의 목적을 위해 달려가라. 하나님께서 사용하실 것이다."

Friday, October 05, 2012

[sermon] 오직 나의 신으로- 이규현 목사님

Speaker: Rev. Lee Gyu Hyun
Text: Zechariah 4:6
Title: 오직 나의 신으로 "Only by His Spirit"

혈기를 내려놓아라.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

[sermon] 거룩한 삶을 추구함- 이규현 목사님

Speaker: Rev. Lee Gyu Hyun
Text: Hebrews 12:14
Title: 거룩한 삶을 추구함 Pursuing a holy living

내 인생의 목표 (role-model)은 사람이 아닌 예수 그리스도

[sermon] 믿음의 선택과 삶- 이규현 목사님

Speaker: Rev. Lee Gyu Hyun
Text: Genesis 12:1, 4
Title: 믿음의 선택과 삶 Choice and Life in Faith

12 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

2 “I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.[a]
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”[b]

4 So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.

직업의 선택 기준
1. 정말 내 영혼이 잘 자랄 수 있는지?
2. 하나님 나라 관점에서 적절한 생활을 할 수 있는 공간이 있는가? (예. 주일 교회 봉사)

결혼 배우자 선택 기준
1. 영적 기준- 신앙 배경

[sermon] 신의 성품에 참여하라- 이규현 목사님

Speaker: Rev. Lee Gyu Hyun
Text: 2 Peter 1:3~7
Title: 신의 성품에 참여하라 Be partakers of the divine nature

Build a 7 story house (faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, love).

Sunday, September 09, 2012

sermon 09092012

sermon 09092012

Title: Honoring the Next Generation
Series: The Book of 2 Samuel - Leading with Honor
Text: 2 Samuel 14:1-33
Speaker: Pastor Eddie Byun

Put Biblical verses all around the wall of your house to remind yourself the Lord.
1. Honor them through training.
- Kingdom values= heart not appearance (God looks at the heart.)
2. Honor them through time.
3. Honor them through touch.