Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My life at stake

Just random thoughts...

What do you think I should do Lord? Today I begin to wake up at 7am to get my body adjusted to my new job position.
I need to know what’s at stake and what’s most important to me at this moment. I need to wait for “my marshmallows” instead of touching them or eating them up right away.

Need to read books. Gotta finish books in my room.

Need to organize my documents and files. Massive amount of documents, newspapers, and papers in my room need to be trashed.

Need to plan ahead for my possible internship. Might get to work in Bundang and gotta look for a place to stay.

Need to study consulting. Gotta learn ways to master business basics: frameworks, strategies, etc.

Need to get ready to start dating. Gotta gather myself up for possible dates.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Black, the movie review

I just watched a movie called “Black.” I never wept so much till I watched this movie. I can name “Life is beautiful,” and some other movies but not like this movie I wept so much. Among the statements of the actors, I found many contexts quite similar to mine. I... Read More’m in the middle of my battle with finding a job in Seoul and so was the main character: She was fighting against darkness, ignorance, unworthiness, and failures. I’m going through a similar challenge: a series of rejections from companies that I’ve applied. Although the main character or teacher of her found one of core reasons for the failure, I didn’t think I haven’t found one yet. I just realized, however, while typing this appreciation paragraph, that the true essence of my failure was from my lack of courage to fight against darkness, insecurity, and rejections from people.
From now on, I will celebrate my failures whenever I get rejection in my application process. Thank God for allowing me to see this movie today on my way to Seoul. Otherwise I might have deleted the movie on my laptop. Help me to overcome this difficult job application process.