Sunday, September 09, 2012

[Memory Verses] Flash cards

sermon 09092012

sermon 09092012

Title: Honoring the Next Generation
Series: The Book of 2 Samuel - Leading with Honor
Text: 2 Samuel 14:1-33
Speaker: Pastor Eddie Byun

Put Biblical verses all around the wall of your house to remind yourself the Lord.
1. Honor them through training.
- Kingdom values= heart not appearance (God looks at the heart.)
2. Honor them through time.
3. Honor them through touch.

[글로벌 성공시대] 치즈 명장 김소영_이게 니 최선이니?

치즈 명장이 된 과학자, 김소영

"하루에도 백번 이상씩 물어봐요. 이게 니 최선이니?"

sermon 09092012

sermon 09092012

중등2부 예배
설교자: 김언약 선교사님
제목: 아름다운 발걸음
본문: 롬 10:9~15

한국인을 위한 하나님의 계획이 있다.
하나님 역사에 동참하라. --> (믿고 준비)

GUMP 이스탄불 세계대회
느낀점: 영어 설교 통역을 전문적으로 준비하라!

다음주: 청소 예정 (봉투, 고무장갑, 전도지), 전도 카드 친구에게 전달할 수 있도록 알리기, 교사회 없음, First Class 티켓은 평소 오지 않는 학생에게 송부

Monday, September 03, 2012

quote for career counseling

하루하루를 인생의 마지막 날처럼 산다면
17살 때 읽은 ‘하루하루를 인생의 마지막 날처럼 산다면,
언젠가는 바른 길에 서 있을 것이다.’라는 경구에 감명 받아
50살이 되도록 매일 아침 거울을 보면서 스스로 묻는다.
‘오늘이 내 인생의 마지막 날이라면, 지금 하려고 하는 일을 할 것인가?’
아니오!라는 답이 계속 나온다면,
다른 것을 해야 한다는 걸 깨달았다.
-스티브 잡스, 스탠포드대 졸업식 축사중

quote for career counseling

명품 탄생의 비결
최고를 원하고 나한테 절실하게 요구하면,
내 뇌와 몸이 거기에 호응해 엄청난 노력을 하게 된다.
어느 정도 만족스러운 결과를 수용하지 않고 버리면
뇌는 놀라울 정도로 끊임없이 새로운 아이디어를 내놓는다.
창의적 아이디어는 천재적인 번뜩임이 아닌
많이 치열하게, 그리고 절실하게 생각하는데서 나온다.
-박재동 화백

quote for career counseling

자신의 재능, 자신의 성향, 자신의 상황 이 모든 것에는 이유가 있다.
그 이유를 찾아내고 그 이유를 염두에 두며 그 이유대로 움직여라.
신은 아무런 이유 없이 당신을 세상에 내놓을 정도로
한가하지 못하다.
-김은주, ‘세상에서 가장 긴 1cm’에서

Sunday, September 02, 2012

sermon 9/2/2012

sermon 9/2/2012

Title: Why the Church Must Lead
Series: A Year of Honor
Speaker: Pastor Eddie Byun

Church is supposed to be doing God.
Sin leads to bondage.

1. This is the mission of God.
- Declare and demonstrate God's love.
- customer (John) is slaved to lust.
- pimp is slaved to money
- women is slaved to guilt.

2. This is the voice of God.
(My interpretation: - Moses in the Old Testament acted on behalf of God. He was the voice of God. And it's my turn to do the same.)

3. This is the image of God.
- Know the characteristic of God => Psalm 146:7... The Lord sets the prisoners free; 8. the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous. 9. The Lord watches over the sojourners; he upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.

4. This is the move of God.
- Top 3 God's movements God make around churches around the world (including persecuted churches) are mercy, compassion, and justice.
- Take care of orphans, unborns, prisoners, and single parent?

[글로벌 성공시대] Olympia 유철수 회장- 목표와 열정

300달러로 이룬 아메리칸 드림, 유철수 회장 
1억 5천만 달러, 미국 시장 5위의 여행가방 브랜드 '올림피아'를 일군 유철수(60) 회장

목표와 열정 이 두 가지가 필요하다!

sermon 9/2/2012

sermon 9/2/2012
중등2부 예배
조병홍 목사님
사도행전 15:36 Packing 

인생은 여행이다.
누구랑 함께 하는가가 중요하다.

전도는 진정성이 필요 (바울 사도)

9월 한달 계획
1. packing
2. guide- 김언약 선교사님 (inter coup)
3. episode- 거리에서 전도지 돌리기
4. together- 친구초청 예배 (편지, 선물 준비)

만난 선생님- 문소라, 최명진, 최영아 선생님.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 Ways to Use Laser Sharp Focus to Get More Done

10 Ways to Use Laser Sharp Focus to Get More Done

Article by Zen Habits contributor Jonathan Mead.
There’s an old Confucius saying that goes “If you chase two rabbits, you catch none.” This is especially true when forming new habits and trying to be more productive, but how many times do we do exactly the opposite?
We try to do as much as possible to grow, learn and better ourselves. We read books, blogs, and soak up all sorts of information on creating new habits. The fact is, a lot of this effort is in vain. Our attention is pulled in so many directions, that our energy is spread too thin.
It doesn’t help much that our lives have become increasingly complex. We have more ways to communicate than ever before: face-to-face, phone, email, instant messaging, twitter, blogging, etc. We have more tools to get work done, but our energy is diminished after being pulled in a million directions.
If we know that we need to focus, why don’t we use what we already know? If we supposedly know how to change, why don’t we change? If we know what’s wrong, why don’t we fix it?
I think the answer to this question is a little more complex than what can be looked at in a simple blog post. But in short, I think the answer is a matter of energy. It’s not a lack of confidence, but the lack of ability to make a serious commitment. Commitment isn’t just thinking about really wanting something. It’s not just reading something on a few different blogs and thinking “oh yeah, I’ve read that a few times, I know.” Reading or seeing something isn’t enough. You have to put your energy behind it enough to be able to move from point a to point z. If you’re trying to hit points c, s, q, y and t (which might represent other goals you have) you’ll get distracted. You lose focus and your energy fizzles.
If changing your habits and your life means only focusing on one thing at a time, how do you defend yourself from productivity ADD? Here are 10 tools to help you:
  1. Deep focus instead of multi-tasking. We often kid ourselves thinking that we’re getting more done by multi-tasking, but we often end up just spending a lot of time spinning our wheels. Try to focus on one thing deeply, instead of spreading your attention across multiple tasks.
  2. Wraps up tasks that are easily completed. Most of the time I’m having trouble staying focused is because there a bunch of little things on my mind that I know I need to do. Write down everything that can be completed in less than 10 minutes and finish everything on the list before you start on a project that requires more focus. This doesn’t mean that every time something comes up that would take less than ten minutes to do, you do it. You simply batch everything together that requires ten minutes of time or less.
  3. Stay in the now. As much as you can, practice focusing your attention on the present moment. Constantly move your attention back to now. If you have trouble with this, you might want to get this watch.
  4. Respond, don’t react. Our tendency to react to what seems “urgent” hurts us in the long run. I would rather write an amazing book in a year, sacrificing things like replying to email and having a super clean house. Block out time in your day for the things that are really important.
  5. Feng shui your workspace. What’s the most important thing to you? What are you really passionate about? For me, this is writing and music. I feng shui my work area to speak those things. I have writing books on my shelves, I have musical instruments around me. I have a cork board that has my writing goals and inspirational quotes about writing that speak to me. Having these “attention reinforcements” helps you to stay focused on what is most important to you.
  6. Give yourself a meaningful purpose. You’ll have a hard time staying focused if you feel the work you’re doing isn’t meaningful. If you’re having trouble staying focused at a job you’re not passionate about, it’s likely because you have no interest in the work you’re doing. There’s no motivation for you other than a paycheck. Find a career that has meaning and gives you a sense of purpose and your motivation and focus will naturally increase.
  7. Distinguish between urgent and important. We often spend most of our time doing things that seem important, but really aren’t. They are just urgent. This doesn’t really make sense, because it would seem things that are important, should be urgent, right? If you want to do meaningful things, if you want to accomplish things that will have a long-term impact, focus on the important.
  8. Visual how you want your day to evolve. If you don’t really know exactly how you want your day to go, how can you expect it to go the way you want it to? In order to combat random events and unknowns keeping you from doing what’s important, take time to visualize how you want your day to go. Pay attention when you visualize certain things to how they make you feel. Use positive visualization to control how you will react when certain events come up that detract you from keeping focused.
  9. Practice single pointed focus. It’s hard to imagine staying focused when there are so many possibilities of things you could be doing. Sometimes priorities aren’t enough to keep you motivated, it’s just a matter of flexing your focusing muscles. Here’s a good meditation to get you started on flexing your single minded muscles: Close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting alone in a chair in a room (it doesn’t really matter where). Now imagine there’s an apple on the table in front of you. Try taking bites of that apple in your mind, and focusing on the taste and sensations of the apple. Look at how the different bites are taken out one at a time. Practicing this and other types of meditations will greatly enhance your ability to focus on one thing for long durations of time.
  10. Practice mindfulness. This seems so simple, but it’s often the most difficult thing to do. How often when you’re eating, are you thinking about all sorts of different things, other than your food? How often when you you’re spending time with a friend, is your mind wandering on other things? You can’t expect to be focused if you’re not paying attention to what is going on around you. The next time you wash your hands, focus on the feeling of the water and the sensation of the towel when drying your hands. When you’re eating, focus on the taste and texture of the food in your mouth. You can’t expect to be focused in your work, if you constantly lack focus in every other area of your life. Practice focus in the normal everyday things you do, and it will start spilling over in to your work.

Monday, August 27, 2012

devotional 8/27/2012

devotional 8/27/2012

great lessons in life found in 1 cor. 6

sermon 8/24/2012

금요철야 8/24/2012
이상진 목사님
히브리서 11장31절 라합의 믿음

Fear brings slavery mindset.
Fear the one that you're supposed to fear.
믿음이 없고, 경외가 없으면 하나님을 하나님 답게 대접하는 것이 아님.
하나님 경외 없으면, 하나님 함부로 대함.