Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Steve Jobs, to be the best...

살 아 있는 경영학의 대부’로 평가받는 피터 드러커. 그는 90대의 나이에도 불구하고 왕성한 저술활동으로 세계적인 경영 구루(대가)로 인정받고 있다. 드러커의 남다른 열정 뒤에는 19세기의 음악가 주세페 베르디(1813~1901)의 오페라 ‘팔스타프’가 숨어 있다. 젊은 시절 ‘팔스타프’를 관람하던 드러커는 베르디가 이렇게 활기 넘치는 오페라를 작곡한 것이 그의 나이 80세 때라는 사실을 알게 됐다. 그때부터 드러커는 베르디가 보여준 교훈을 인생의 길잡이로 삼겠다고 결심했다.

개 인이든 기업이든, 세계 일류들에는 각각 역할 모델이 있었다. 드러커가 베르디에게 영감을 받은 것처럼 먼저 세계 일류를 접하게 되고, 그것에 ‘빠지게’된다. 그러면서 자기 세계에서만큼은 세계 일류가 되고 싶다는 열정이 생겨나는 것이다. 그래서 애플컴퓨터를 만든 스티브 잡스는 “최고가 되려면 가능한 한 인간이 만든 최고에 접하고, 그것을 당신이 하는 일로 연결시켜라”고 권고하지 않았던가.

마이클 조던이 보여준 공중회전 덩크슛도 이런 경우다. 조던은 평범한 덩크슛도 2점이고, 위험을 무릅쓴 공중회전 덩크슛도 2점이라는 ‘사실’을 잘 안다. 그러나 그는 무모하게도 후자를 선택했다. 여기에서 세계 일류의 힌트를 얻을 수 있다.

‘이것이 바로 일류의 세계로구나. 세계 일류들은 최소의 비용으로 최대의 효과를 내려고 하는 것이 아니라 모든 것을 한곳에 걸어 명작(名作)을 만드는 데 집중 투자하는구나.’

그 런데 세계 일류들의 ‘시작’을 살펴보면 아주 특별한 공통점을 발견할 수 있다. 그들은 모두 작게 시작했다는 점이다. ‘영화의 황제’ 스티븐 스필버그는 중·고교 시절 체육과 수학에서는 낙제생이었다. 교우관계도 원만하지 않아 아무도 그런 스필버그가 세계 일류가 되리라고 생각지 못했다고 한다. 마이클 조던·빌 게이츠 등도 초기에 잠재성이 인정됐을지라도 그토록 세계 일류가 되리라고는 아무도 생각지 못했다.

15 hour management after 9 working hours

15시간 경영

당신이라는 경영자가
당신 자신에게 부과하는 시간은 하루 24시간이다.
당신은 회사의 종업원으로서는 9시간만 일하면 되지만,
자기 인생의 경영자로서는
나머지 15시간까지도 경영할 수 있어야 한다.

- 니시무라 아키라의《새로운 시간의 발견 퇴근 후 3시간》중에서 -

at my personal space, after meeting with my advisor

After meeting with my adviser this morning, I learned a painful truth: I need 4.0 for my 17 credits this semester to graduate with honors. Well, let me say the sentence differently. I'm not sure whether I can graduate with honors. When I was doing my thing in a bathroom in the library(too explicit? This is the place where I meet God intimately and I get great insights of life), a great question came to my mind: what have I been doing for my life? What have I failed to bring happiness to God?

Well, I can bring up many things, but most of all I haven't been an independent thinker. I didn't think of my life as the one that I need to take care of to be a good steward. I've been thinking that someone will take care of me someday as my mom and dad have contributed in my life. They have supported me with college tuition, advices, prayers, and almost every need. In every possible way, I have been dependent on them financially, mentally, and emotionally. Now is the time, although it seems late, to start thinking independence.

While sitting on a toilet for a while, God struck me with his gentle guidance.
What is my status in academics, finances, mental strength, relationship, and spirituality?
I'm going to take each one into account, and start figuring out my current positions and solutions for them.

thoughts about life

Where is my future prep?- a thought after pancake breakfast at undercroft
Category: Life

I went to undercroft of Chapel to see whether I can learn something about fundraising this morning. I was trying to make a conversation with Luke's two brothers, Daniel and Gideon. As we start talking about different topics, we ended up talking our passions. Gideon shared me with his passion in missions and what he would like to do about it. I didn't ask any further questions to dig deeper of his thoughts, but I ended up being asked about my passion by Gideon and his father. I shared what I'd like to do with my life, and I explained to them, and Gideon's father who is a pastor, asked me if I would like to be connected to a business person in China. I couldn't say "yes" right away because I thought that the mission field plan is going to come later in life. I said good-by and left the place, but his question kept making me think about what I'm doing now for my mission work.

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Monday, October 16, 2006

A Lesson from Japanese [History 160]
Category: Life

The Russian, Ottoman, Chinese empires were all collapsed after the Western forces came into their region, but Japanese empires had flourished.
Although there could be many reasons for being successful for the country such as majority didn't like to be subjected to shoguns or the military power of Japan at that moment was worse than any of the three empires, but I would like to point out that Japanese humbleness to learn something better than themselves. They knew how to be humble. I believe that people learn the most when they are honest and humble; people can learn the best when they are honest because they could identify their problem the most efficiently without any hinderance. And people can learn the best when they are humble because they got rid of all the barriers such as conceitedness and ignorance that keep them from achieving an opportunity to advance themselves.
I need to be honest and humble today to appreciate this lesson from my history class.

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Indian's definition of competition
Category: Life

Pastor Kim at Grace Korean CRC preached this Sunday about "loving each other."
One of the message was about IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) where 6 of my friends have been attending. He said that Indians' way of competition happen within themselves, not within a class or institute. This message made me think. I have been considering my roommates, classmates, schoolmates, students around the world as my competitors whom I should overcome or conquer. I began to changing this previous thought of mine.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Steve Jobs_If you want to be the best
Category: Life

This is my English translation of his quote: to be the best, engage in the best that human has ever made at your best, and then connect it to your work.

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Gil's Blog has just launched.

안녕하세요. 감사합니다. 할렐루야.
Hope this tools nourishes my life and others.

several different events

Event 1. at provide services even before your customers know what they want

At my Brookside worship service, Pastor Paul shared his waitering experience with a top-end restaurant. When he was working there, the manager of the restaurant taught him what to bring even before his customers know what they want; for example, he can warm coffee even before they know their coffee gets cold or empty. Now, it's my turn to apply this concept to my life (an expletive, oh,...).

Event 2. your prayers make differences

Philip Yancey, the author of Prayer, What's So Amazing About Grace?, Where Is God When It Hurts?, and a lot more, came to Calvin three days ago. I was sitting undercroft at Chapel paying attention on his speech. I wasn't really surprised by his speech maybe because I grew up in a Christian family (my mom has been a faithful Christian). However, his personal reflections questionnaire on prayer reminded me important rituals that I've been forgetting: prayer.

Questions starts with this: 1. On average, how much time do you devote during a day to prayer? What would you like that answer to be? (I would say less than an hour but more than 10 minutes since I spent several minutes at least for repentance; I'd like to make it to about thirty minutes a day because I would like to have an intimate relationship with my Creator, and without spending a significant time with Him, I probably cannot have a deep relationship let alone with growth.)

2. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with one being best), how would you rate your general satisfaction with your prayer life? (I'd say 3 (moderate) because I am in lukewarm stage.)

3. If you could ask one question of God about prayer, what would it be?
(I'd ask Him that how He would respond to an unrighteousness person's prayer. Would He listen?)

4. Think of a person you know who ranks as a "prayer warrior," one who keeps close communion with God. Why did they come to mind? What is it you admire about that person? (The warrior is my mom because I've been watching her prayer life. I admire her close relationship with my Father. )

5. Can you think of a time when God surprised you with an unexpected or very welcome answer to prayer? When? And what about unaswered prayer: What's your deepest longing in prayer that hasn't yet been met? (When I was an elementary student, I almost got hit by a truck. I think God saved by making me hit a electricity pole instead.)

Well, enough being said for now. I better finish grading my prof's IDIS class.
PS) Event 3. Attending Jewish Music Concert at Congregation Ahavas Israel, a Jewish santuary Event 4. My Brookside Discovery class